This tree is 50-80' tall at maturity, consisting of either a single or
multiple trunks and a narrow open crown (or crowns) with ascending
branches. Some trees can have trunks up to 2½' across. The bark of
saplings and young trees is yellowish red, horizontally
wrinkled, and shiny, while older trees usually have white bark with
horizontal wrinkles; this bark often peels into relatively wide ragged
strips. There is an uncommon form of Paper Birch that has yellowish
brown trunk bark even on mature trees. Large
branches have bark that is similar to the bark of trunks, while twigs
reddish brown or reddish gray bark that is smooth. Young leafy shoots
are green and glabrous to pubescent. The leaves are either alternate or
they occur in groups of 2-3 on short spur-twigs. Individual leaves
are 2½-4"
long, and 1½-3" across; they are ovate to broadly ovate in shape
and doubly serrate or

serrate-dentate along
their margins. The
base of each leaf is rounded, truncate, or slightly cordate, while its
tip forms an obtuse point. Each leaf has up to 9 lateral veins on each
side of the central vein; the larger teeth of the margins are located
where the lateral veins terminate. The upper surface of the leaves is
medium green and glabrous, while the lower surface is usually pale
green and glabrous to pubescent. The slender petioles are ½-1" long,
pale green or pale yellow, and glabrous to finely pubescent. Paper
Birch is monoecious, producing both male (staminate) and female
(pistillate) flowers on the same tree; both types of flowers are
organized into catkins. Premature forms of the catkins first develop
during the fall, overwinter in a dormant state, and become mature
during the spring as the leaves develop. Mature male catkins are 2-4"
long, cylindrical in shape, and yellowish; they are usually arranged in
groups of 3 and droop from the twigs near their tips. Each male catkin
has numerous tiny flowers less than 1/8" (3 mm.) across; the male
flowers are
arranged in clusters of 3 behind tiny bracts. Individual male
flowers consist of a tiny 4-lobed calyx and 2 stamens (there are no
petals). Mature female catkins are 1-2" long, narrowly cylindrical in
shape, and greenish; they are ascending, rather than drooping, and
develop individually near the tips of twigs. On each female catkin, the
female flowers are organized into clusters of 2-3 behind tiny
bracts. Individual bracts have 3 upper lobes that are
divergent and they are usually ciliate or
pubescent. Individual female flowers
consist of a naked ovary with a pair of styles; they are less than 1/8"
(3 mm.) across. The flowers are cross-pollinated by the wind during the
spring. Afterwards, the male catkins wither away, while the female
catkins droop downward and become cone-like in appearance from the
hardening of the bracts. The female flowers are replaced by small
nutlets with lateral wings that are membranous and slightly wider
than the nutlet. These winged nutlets are usually dispersed by the wind
during the autumn; they can also be blown across the snow or
transported by water. The root system is shallow and spreading. This
tree spreads by reseeding itself. The deciduous leaves turn yellow
during the autumn.
The preference is full or
partial sun, moist to dry-mesic conditions, cool summer temperatures,
and soil consisting of sandy or silty loam. This tree also adapts to
upland areas with rocky soil, but its growth is stunted. Longevity
of individual trees is 150 years or less. Outside of boreal areas with
a cool climate, this tree tends to be short-lived.
& Habitat: Paper Birch is an uncommon native tree
that is found in
northern Illinois (see
Map). It is more common further to
the north. Habitats include upland woodlands and savannas (often sandy
or rocky), open disturbed woodlands, stabilized sand dunes near Lake
Michigan, and riverbanks. Paper Birch is cultivated as an ornamental
landscape tree. Paper Birch is a pioneer species that responds
positively to disturbance, especially wildfires that damage dominant
canopy trees.
Associations: The number of insects that
feed on Paper Birch and other birches (
Betula spp.) is
quite extensive.
The caterpillars of the butterflies
Nymphalis antiopa
(Mourning Cloak),
Nymphalis vau-album
j-album (Compton Tortoiseshell), and
faunus (Green Comma) feed on birches, as do the
caterpillars of
numerous moths. Other
insect feeders include the
larvae of
latitarsis (Dusky Birch Sawfly) and
other sawflies, the larvae of
(Bronze Birch Borer)
and other wood-boring beetles,
Polydrusus impressifrons
(Pale Green Weevil) and other weevils,
betulae and other
leaf beetles,
resedae (Birch Catkin Bug), the leaf-footed
Elasmucha lateralis
(Common Birch Aphid) and
other aphids, and the leafhopper
Erythridula praecisa
praecisa). The aphid
Calaphis leonardi is reportedly monophagous on Paper Birch. The
Insect Table
shows a more complete listing of these insect species. Paper Birch
and other
birches are used by vertebrate animals as a source of food, nesting or
den habitat, and cover. The following birds eat the seeds of these
trees: the Wood Duck, Green-winged Teal, Blue Jay, Dark-eyed Junco,
Pine Siskin, American Goldfinch, Tufted Titmouse, Black-capped
Chickadee, Wild Turkey, and Ring-necked Pheasant. The Ruffed Grouse
eats the buds and/or
catkins, while the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker drills holes into the thin
bark of Paper Birch to suck the sap (DeGraaf, 2002). Various mammals
also rely on Paper Birch
and other birches to some extent as a source of food: the Red Squirrel
and American Black Bear
eats the seeds, the American Beaver gnaws on the wood, while the
Rabbit and White-Tailed Deer browse on the twigs and foliage,
especially of seedlings and saplings (Martin et al., 1951/1961; Romain
et al., 2013).
Location: The Arboretum of the University of Illinois in
Urbana, Illinois.
Paper Birch is widely regarded as an attractive tree, largely because
of its white bark that often peels away into strips. While it may
be tempting to pull on these bark strips and collect them as
souvenirs, this impulse should be resisted as it damages the tree,
causing ugly black scars to develop. Paper Birch has an unusually
broad range across Canada and northern United States, which extends
into the Appalachian mountains. Across this range, several varieties
have been described that are not currently recognized in Illinois.
Paper Birch is not the only birch species with attractive white bark.
Two European species,
pendula (Weeping White Birch) and
Betula pubescens
(White Birch), are often cultivated as landscape trees in the
United States and Canada. These species have white
bark that is similar to Paper Birch, but their leaves
are smaller in size (1½-2½" in length). A
North American species,
populifolia (Gray Birch), also has whitish
bark, but its leaves are more deltate in shape with long tapering tips.