Spiraea alba
Rose family (Rosaceae)
Description: This shrub is 2-6' tall and sparingly branched. Young branches are green and glabrous, but they become smooth, brown, and woody with age. Alternate leaves (up to 3" long and ¾" across) occur along the young branches of this shrub; they are densely distributed along these branches. The
leaves are narrowly ovate, sharply serrated, pinnately veined, and glabrous (rarely sparsely hairy underneath); they have short petioles. The upper side of each leaf is medium green, while its lower side is pale green. The branches terminate in panicles of flowers about 2-6" long; these panicles are oblongoid to pyramidal in shape. The stalks of each panicle are light green and either glabrous or pubescent. Each flower is about ¼" across, consisting of 5 white petals, 5 light green sepals, 5 light green pistils, and numerous stamens (20 or more). The petals are much longer than the sepals, while the filaments of the stamens are much longer than the styles of the pistils. Where the nectaries of each flower are located, there is a narrow ring-like structure that surrounds the 5 pistils in the center of the flower; this floral structure is pink, orange, or yellow. The blooming period occurs from mid- to late summer and lasts about 1-2 months. Each flower is replaced by a cluster of 5 hairless follicles with short beaks; each follicle opens along one side to release its seeds (about 2-5 per follicle). The leaves of this shrub are deciduous and its root system is woody.
Cultivation: Meadowsweet prefers full sun, wet to moist conditions, and soil containing abundant organic material (including peat). Standing water is tolerated if it is temporary.
Range & Habitat: The native Meadowsweet is occasional in northern Illinois, uncommon in central Illinois, and rare or absent in the southern section of the state (see Distribution Map). It prefers glaciated areas of the state that are sunny and poorly drained. Habitats include wet prairies, low areas along streams, edges of marshes, bogs, and ditches.
Faunal Associations: The flowers produce nectar and pollen; they attract honeybees, bumblebees, Halictid bees, masked bees (Hylaeus spp.), Andrenid bees, wasps, ants, Syrphid flies, small butterflies, long-horned beetles (Cerambycidae), and other beetles (Krombein et al., 1979; Wilhelm & Rericha, 2017; Small, 1976; Teull et al., 2008; Grundel et al., 2011; Voss, 1954; Swengel & Swengel, 2000; Gosling, 1986). The caterpillars of the butterfly, Celastrina ladon (Spring Azure), feed destructively on the flowers and buds of Meadowsweet (Spiraea alba), while a leaf beetle, Tricholochmaea spiraeae, is a specialist feeder on this plant. Other insects that feed destructively on various parts of this plant include larvae of gall flies, plant bugs, aphids, armored scales, larvae of Tortrix moths, and larvae of other moths (see the Insect Table for a more complete list of these species). Among vertebrate animals, the Ruffed Grouse and Greater Prairie Chicken feed on leaves, buds, and seeds of Meadowsweet. White-Tailed Deer often browse on the leaves and twigs, while the Muskrat feeds on the woody stems and shoots to a minor extent (DeGraaf, 2002; Martin et al., 1951/1961; Hamerstrom & Blake, 1939; personal observations). In addition to these, observations, such songbirds and gamebirds as the Indigo Bunting, Grasshopper Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, American Woodcock, and Wild Turkey use Meadowsweet as protective cover and/or nesting sites (DeGraaf, 2002). See the Bird Table for a more complete list of these species.
Photographic Location: A seasonal wetland at Judge Webber Park in Urbana, Illinois.
Comments: This is one of two native Spiraea spp. in Illinois. The other species, Spiraea tomentosa (Steeplebush), is a more hairy shrub with pink flowers. In Illinois, it is less common than Meadowsweet and it prefers sandy wetlands. Another species, Spiraea latifolia (Eastern Meadowsweet), is found in wetlands further to the east. This species is very similar in appearance to Spiraea alba (Meadowsweet), except it has leaves that are more broad. Sometimes Eastern Meadowsweet is considered a variety of Meadowsweet and it is referred to as Spiraea alba latifolia. The showy Spiraea spp. that are commonly cultivated as landscape plants have been introduced from the Old World. They rarely escape from cultivation and are not often found in natural habitats.