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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Prunus persica (Peach) [Rosaceae] (Observations are from Knight, Hottes & Frison, Wagner, Rider, Clark et al., Dmitriev & Dietrich, Covell, Needham et al., Felt, Blackman & Eastop, Watson, Pepper, Spencer & Steyskal, Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Nakahara, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Chrysomelidae: Crepidodera violacea Clk2004, Eusattodera thoracica Clk2004, Paria fragariae (Strawberry Rootworm) Clk2004, Tricholochmaea cavicollis Clk2004; Curculionidae: Conotrachelus nenuphar (Plum Curculio) [larvae feed on fruit] Crw2004; Scarabaeidae: Macrodactylus subspinosus (Rose Chafer) [skeletonizes leaves] Crw2004 Diptera (Flies) Agromyzidae: Phytomyza persicae [larvae are leaf-miners; found in Ohio, Virginia, Connecticut, & Canada] Ndm1928 SS1986 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Coreidae: Leptoglossus oppositus [polyphagous] BS1986; Miridae: Lygocoris caryae (Hickory Plant Bug) Kn1941, Lygus lineolaris (Tarnished Plant Bug) Wat1928; Pentatomidae: Acrosternum hilaris (Green Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009, Euschistus servus [polyphagous] Rid2009, Euschistus variolarius Rid2009, Holcostethus limbolarius Rid2009, Parabrochymena arborea Rid2009 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Brachycaudus persicae (Black Peach Aphid) [found on young shoots, overwintering on roots] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965, Hysteroneura setariae (Rusty Plum Aphid) HF1931, Myzus cerasi HF1931, Myzus persicae (Green Peach Aphid) [curls young leaves of peach trees, migrating during the summer to a wide variety of herbaceous plants; this aphid probably originated from E Asia, but it is now common in North America, including Illinois] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965 Crw2004, Myzus varians (Peach Leaf-Roll Aphid) [curls peach leaves longitudinally, migrating during the summer to Clematis spp.; this aphid has been introduced from E Asia into eastern North America] BE2013, Rhopalosiphum padi HF1931; Cicadellidae: Eratoneura ballista DD2010, Erythridula plena DD2010, Typhlocyba pomaria (White Apple Leafhopper) [feeds on leaves] Crw2004; Diaspididae: Chionaspis furfura (Scurfy Bark Scale) [found on branches & trunks, less often on young shoots, fruit, & leaves; plant species in the Rosaceae are preferred hosts; this insect is widely distributed in the USA & S Canada] SN2014, Diaspidiotus ancylis (Putnam Scale) [found on leaves, sometimes bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus forbesi (Forbe's Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect occurs in north-central USA & elsewhere] SN2014, Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (English Walnut Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose Scale) [usually found on bark, polyphagous, although preferring woody species in the Rosaceae; this insect is widely distributed; syn. Comstockaspis perniciosa, syn. Quadraspidiotus perniciosus] SN2014, Epidiaspis leperii (Italian Pear Scale) [found on young branches & twigs; this insect occurs in NE USA & Missouri] SN2014, Lepidosaphes conchiformis (Fig Scale) [found on bark & leaves, also fig fruits in California; this insect occurs in some areas of both E USA & W USA, including Missouri & California; it was introduced from Eurasia] SN2014, Lepidosaphes ulmi (Oystershell Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA, S Canada, & Eurasia] SN2014, Melanaspis tenebricosa (Gloomy Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (White Peach Scale) [polyphagous; this insect is found mostly in E USA, it was introduced from Eurasia] SN2014; Pseudococcidae: Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock Mealybug) [found on foliage, including lower side of leaves; polyphagous, feeding on woody vegetation; this insect is widely distributed in NE & north-central USA, it is also found in Ontario] SN2014, Pseudococcus dolichomelos (False Trochanter Mealybug) [polyphagous; this insect has been found in NE USA & elsewhere] SN2014 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Arctiidae: Haploa clymene (Clymene Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Haploa lecontei (Leconte's Haploa) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Haploa reversa (Reversed Haploa) Cv2005; Gelechiidae: Anarsia lineatella (Peach Twig Borer) Cv2005; Noctuidae: Abagrotis alternata (Greater Red Dart) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Cerma cerintha (Tufted Bird-Dropping Moth) Cv2005; Sesiidae: Synanthedon exitiosa (Peachtree Borer Moth) [larvae bore into lower trunks of trees] Cv2005 Crw2004, Synanthedon pictipes (Lesser Peachtree Borer Moth) [larvae bore through wood] Cv2005 Crw2004; Sphingidae: Sphinx drupiferarum (Wild Cherry Sphinx) Wg2005; Tortricidae: Archips argyrospila (Fruit Tree Leafroller Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Thrips calcaratus [polyphagous, feeds on buds & leaves] Nk1994, Thrips trehernei [polyphagous] Nk1994 Prostigmata (Prostigmatic Mites) Eriophyidae: Aculus cornutus (Peach Silver Mite) [syn. Aculus fockeui, mites feed on leaves, forming a silvery sheen] Flt1917 |
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