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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Juglans spp. (Walnut) [Juglandaceae] (Observations are from Yanega, Wagner, Clark et al., Dmitriev & Dietrich, Covell, Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Miller, Majka et al., Cranshaw, ScaleNet) Coleoptera (Beetles) Cerambycidae: Lepturges pictus Ya1996, Strangalepta pubera Ya1996, Tessaropa tenuipes [larvae bore through small dead branches] Ya1996; Chrysomelidae: Xanthonia striata Clk2004; Curculionidae: Cossonus platalea [polyphagous, larvae are found under bark; found in NE USA & SE Canada] MAM2007 Diptera (Flies) Tephritidae: Rhagoletis completa (Walnut Husk Fly) [larvae feed on husks of walnuts] Crw2004 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Chromaphis juglandicola (Walnut Aphid) [found on leaf undersides, English Walnut is a preferred host; this aphid is rare in NE & north-central USA, but more common in California] BE2013, Longistigma caryae (Giant Bark Aphid) [found on bark, polyphagous] BE2013, Monelliopsis nigropunctata [found on leaves, widely distributed in E USA] BE2013; Cicadellidae: Eratoneura calamitosa DD2010, Erythridula noeva DD2010; Diaspididae: Chionaspis furfura (Scurfy Bark Scale) [found on branches & trunks, less often on young shoots, fruit, & leaves; plant species in the Rosaceae are preferred hosts; this insect is widely distributed in the USA & S Canada] SN2014, Chionaspis lintneri (Lintner Scurfy Scale) [this insect is found in E USA & SE Canada] SN2014, Clavaspis ulmi (Elm Armored Scale) [usually found on rough bark, preferring Ulmus spp. as host plants; this insect occurs in E USA & Ontario] SN2014, Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (English Walnut Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus osborni (Osborn Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is found in E USA & Ontario] SN2014, Diaspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose Scale) [usually found on bark, polyphagous, although preferring woody species in the Rosaceae; this insect is widely distributed; syn. Comstockaspis perniciosa, syn. Quadraspidiotus perniciosus] SN2014, Hemiberlesia neodiffinis (False Diffinis Scale) [polyphagous, this insect occurs in E USA] SN2014, Lepidosaphes ulmi (Oystershell Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA, S Canada, & Eurasia] SN2014, Melanaspis obscura (Obscure Scale) [found on bark; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Pergidae: Acordulecera dorsalis [larvae are leaf-skeletonizers] Sm2006; Tenthredinidae: Eriocampa juglandis [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Arctiidae: Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Hyphantria cunea (Fall Webworm) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Lophocampa caryae (Hickory Tussock Moth) Wg2005; Lycaenidae: Satyrium calanus (Banded Hairstreak) Wg2005; Noctuidae: Acronicta afflicta (Afflicted Dagger Moth) Cv2005, Acronicta americana (American Dagger Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Acronicta lithospila (Streaked Dagger Moth) Cv2005, Allotria elonympha (False Underwing) [southern IL] Cv2005, Catocala habilis (Habilis Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala judith (Judith's Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala maestosa (Sad Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala neogama (The Bride) Cv2005, Catocala obscura (Obscure Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala palaeogama (Old Wife Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala piatrix (The Penitent) Cv2005, Catocala retecta (Yellow-Gray Underwing) Cv2005, Catocala vidua (Widow Underwing) Cv2005, Colocasia propinquilinea (Close-Banded Yellowhorn) [southern IL, polyphagous] Cv2005, Eutolype electilis (Chosen Sallow) Cv2005, Hypena madefactalis (Gray-Edged Hypena) [syn. Bomolocha madefactalis] Cv2005 Wg2005; Notodontidae: Datana angusii (Angus' Datana) Wg2005, Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar) Cv2005 Wg2005, Schizura concinna (Red-Humped Caterpillar) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Schizura leptinoides (Black-Blotched Schizura) Wg2005; Saturniidae: Citheronia regalis (Regal Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Eacles imperialis (Imperial Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Sphingidae: Laothoe juglandis (Walnut Sphinx) Cv2005 Wg2005; Tortricidae: Catastega timidella (Oak Trumpet Skeletonizer) [larvae form serpentine mines on leaf undersides] Mlr1987, Gretchena bolliana (Pecan Bud Moth) [larvae feed on buds, foliage, & fruits] Mlr1987 |
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