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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Cornus spp. (Dogwood) [Cornaceae] (Observations are from Vance, Marshall, Wagner, Hottes & Frison, Yanega, Microleps website, Clark et al., Dmitriev & Dietrich, Milne & Milne, Knight, Bouseman & Sternburg, Covell, Felt, Cranshaw, Needham et al., Aldrich & Osten-Sacken, Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Watson, Hamilton, Miller, Pepper, Majka et al., ScaleNet, Nakahara) Coleoptera (Beetles) Cerambycidae: Grammoptera ruficeps Ya1996, Oberea bimaculata (Raspberry Cane Borer) Crw2004, Oberea praelonga [oligophagous] Ya1996, Oberea tripunctata (Dogwood Twig Borer) [larvae bore into living branches & twigs] Crw2004 MM1980 Msh2006 Ya1996, Rhopalophora longipes [larvae bore into small dead branches] Ya1996; Chrysomelidae: Calligrapha knabi Clk2004, Calligrapha philadelphica (Dogwood Leaf Beetle) [feeds on leaves] Clk2004 MM1980 Msh2006, Calligrapha rowena Clk2004 Msh2006, Calligrapha vicina Clk2004, Paria scutellaris Clk2004, Sumitrosis inaequalis [leaf-miner] Ndm1928, Systena frontalis (Red-Headed Flea Beetle) [adults feed on foliage, larvae feed on roots] Crw2004; Curculionidae: Anthonomus corvulus [polyphagous, this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007, Stenoscelis brevis [polyphagous, larvae are found under bark; this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007; Scolytidae: Xyleborus sayi [polyphagous; this insect is found in NE USA & SE Canada] MAM2007 Diptera (Flies) Cecidomyiidae: Resseliella clavula (Dogwood Clubgall Midge) [larvae form fusiform galls on twigs or twig tips] AOS1905 Crw2004, Rhizomyia hispida Flt1907 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Miridae: Hyaliodes harti WHM1983, Lygocoris communis (Green Apple Bug) Wat1928, Lygocoris omnivagus Kn1941, Paraproba capitata [found in moist situations] Wat1928, Phytocoris canadensis WHM1983, Phytocoris salicis WHM1983, Poecilocapsus lineatus (Four-Lined Plant Bug) [feeds on leaves, young stems, & flowers, polyphagous] Crw2004 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Anoecia corni (Dogwood-Grass Aphid) [found on dogwood shrubs, migrating during the summer to the roots of grasses] BE2013 Pp1965, Anoecia cornicola [found on dogwood shrubs, migrating during the summer to the roots of grasses] BE2013 Pp1965, Anoecia oenotherae [found on dogwood shrubs, migrating during the summer to the roots of Oenothera biennis] BE2013, Aphis caliginosa HF1931 Pp1965, Aphis carduella Pp1965, Aphis citricola [polyphagous] HF1931, Aphis cornifoliae [found on leaves] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965, Aphis helianthi HF1931, Aphis salicariae [curls leaves & feeds on developing flowers of dogwood shrubs, migrating during the summer to the leaf undersides of Epilobium angustifolium; this Eurasia aphid has been found in Ontario] BE2013, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Potato Aphid) [polyphagous] Pp1965, Pseudasiphonaphis corni [found on leaf undersides & young shoots of dogwood shrubs, migrating during the summer to the stems & flowering stalks of Clearweed; distributed in E USA & Canada, including Illinois] BE2013, Stegophylla querci HF1931; Cercopidae: Clastoptera proteus (Dogwood Spittlebug) [not found on Cornus florida] Crw2004 Msh2006 Hm1982; Cicadellidae: Erythroneura bidens DD2010, Erythroneura corni [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura ontari [preferred host plants] DD2010, Erythroneura rubrella [preferred host plants] DD2010; Diaspididae: Chionaspis corni (Dogwood Scurfy Scale) [found on branches, causing dieback; this insect occurs in NE USA, north-central USA, & Ontario] SN2014, Chionaspis lintneri (Lintner Scurfy Scale) [this insect is found in E USA & SE Canada] SN2014, Chionaspis salicis (Willow Scurfy Scale) [found mainly on twigs & branches; this insect is polyphagous, although it prefers Salix spp. & Populus spp.; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Clavaspis ulmi (Elm Armored Scale) [usually found on rough bark, preferring Ulmus spp. as host plants; this insect occurs in E USA & Ontario] SN2014, Diaspidiotus forbesi (Forbe's Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect occurs in north-central USA & elsewhere] SN2014, Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (English Walnut Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Melanaspis tenebricosa (Gloomy Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect occurs in E USA & California] SN2014; Pseudococcidae: Dysmicoccus wistariae (Taxus Mealybug) [polyphagous, although Taxus spp. are preferred hosts; widely distributed in NE & north-central USA] SN2014, Heliococcus osborni (Osborn Mealybug) [polyphagous, mostly found on woody vegetation] SN2014, Heliococcus stachyos [found on twigs, branches, & roots; this insect has been found in Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, & California] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Pamphiliidae: Onycholyda excavata [larvae are leaf-rollers] Sm2006; Tenthredinidae: Macremphytus semicornis [larvae feed on foliage] Sm2006, Macremphytus tarsatus [larvae feed on foliage] Sm2006, Macremphytus testaceus (Dogwood Sawfly) [larvae feed on foliage] Msh2006 Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Drepanidae: Eudeilinea herminiata (Northern Eudeilinea) Cv2005, Euthyatira pudens (Dogwood Thyatirid) [oligophagous, prefers Cornus florida] Wg2005; Geometridae: Probole alienaria (Alien Probole) [preferred host plants] Msh2006 Wg2005, Probole nyssaria (Dogwood Probole) [oligophagous] Cv2005, Xanthotype sospeta (Crocus Geometer) [polyphagous] Cv2005 Wg2005; Gracillariidae: Caloptilia belfragella [leaf-roller] Mic2010, Caloptilia burgessiella [leaf-roller or leaf-miner] Ndm1928; Heliozelidae: Antispila cornifoliella [larvae are blotch leaf-miners] Mic2010; Limacodidae: Acharia stimulea (Saddleback Caterpillar) [syn. Sibine stimulea, polyphagous, southern IL] Cv2005, Parasa chloris (Smaller Parasa) [polyphagous, southern IL] Cv2005, Parasa indetermina (Stinging Rose Caterpillar) [polyphagous, southern IL] Cv2005, Phobetron pithecium (Hag Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Lycaenidae: Celastrina argiolus (Spring/Summer Azure) [larvae feed on flowers & their buds] Bar1999 BS2001 MM1980 Wg2005; Noctuidae: Bomolocha bijugalis (Dimorphic Bomolocha) [oligophagous] Wg2005; Notodontidae: Schizura unicornis (Unicorn Caterpillar) [polyphagous] Wg2005; Saturniidae: Hyalophora cecropia (Cecropia Moth) [polyphagous] Crw2004; Sesiidae: Synanthedon scitula (Dogwood Borer Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Tortricidae: Ancylis muricana (Red-headed Ancylis) Mlr1987, Epinotia lindana (Diamondback Epinotia) [larvae feed within tied leaves] Mlr1987, Olethreutes exaeresimum Mlr1987, Olethreutes inornatana (Inornate Olethreutes) Mlr1987, Olethreutes punctanum [larvae feed within tied leaves] Mlr1987, Olethreutes quadrifidum [larvae feed within rolled leaves] Mlr1987, Olethreutes versicolorana Mlr1987 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Scirtothrips niveus [observed in IL, found on leaves] St1968 Van1974, Thrips winnemanae [polyphagous] Nk1994 |
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