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____________ Insects Feeding on these Plants: ____________ |
Aster spp. (Aster) [Asteraceae] (A scientific synonym of this plant genus is Symphyotrichum. Observations are from Funkhouser, Marshall, Wagner, Rider, Hottes & Frison, Yanega, Knight, Microleps website, Clark et al., Barnes, Dmitriev & Dietrich, Milne & Milne, Arnett & Jacques, Bouseman & Sternburg, Covell, Miller, Cranshaw, Arment, Needham et al., Felt, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Vickery & Kevan, Loeffler, Pepper, Robinson & Bradley, Spencer & Steyskal, Majka et al., Panzer et al., ScaleNet, Nakahara, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Cerambycidae: Mecas pergrata [larvae bore through stems & roots, central & SE regions of US] Ya1996; Chrysomelidae: Exema canadensis Clk2004; Curculionidae: Anthonomus molochinus [this insect is found in N USA & S Canada] MAM2007, Listronotus sparsus [this insect is found in E & central USA, & S Canada] MAM2007 Diptera (Flies) Agromyzidae: Amauromyza maculosa [larvae are blotch leaf-miners; widespread] Ndm1928 SS1986, Calycomyza humeralis (Aster Leafminer Fly) [larvae are blotch leaf-miners; widespread] AJ1981 SS1986, Calycomyza platyptera [larvae are leaf-miners; found in Maryland & Mississippi] SS1986, Calycomyza promissa [larvae are blotch leaf-miners; found in New York & Canada] SS1986, Liriomyza eupatorii [larvae are leaf-miners; found in North Carolina, Tennessee, & Canada] SS1986, Nemorimyza posticata [larvae are blotch leaf-miners; widespread] SS1986, Ophiomyia quinta [larvae are leaf-miners; found in Arkansas, Pennsylvania, New York, & Ontario] SS1986; Cecidomyiidae: Asteromyia carbonifera (Black Blister Gall Midge) [larvae form blister galls on leaves, 'black' refers to the color of the midge rather than the galls] Flt1917, Asteromyia laeviana (Papery Blister Gall Midge) [larvae form papery blister galls on leaves] Flt1917, Neolasioptera ramuscula (Aster Stem Gall Midge) [larvae cause fusiform galls to develop on stems] Flt1917; Tephritidae: Paroxyna albiceps Msh2006, Tomoplagia obliqua Msh2006, Trupanea actinobola Msh2006 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Coreidae: Leptoglossus phyllopus [polyphagous] BS1986; Miridae: Lygus lineolaris (Tarnished Plant Bug) [polyphagous] MM1980, Lygus rubroclarus WHM1983, Plagiognathus cuneatus Kn1941; Pentatomidae: Trichopepla semivittata Rid2009; Tingidae: Corythucha marmorata (Goldenrod Lace Bug) Crw2004 MM1980 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Acuticauda asterensis [found on leaves & stems; this aphid has been reported from Colorado, New York, & Wisconsin] BE2013, Aphis fabae (Black Bean Aphid) [polyphagous] RB1965, Aphis middletonii (Erigeron Root Aphid) [found on underground stems & roots; syn. Protaphis middletonii] Crw2004 Pp1965, Aulacorthum circumflexum (Crescent-Marked Lily Aphid) Crw2004, Brachycauda helichrysi (Leafcurl Plum Aphid) [curls leaves of plum trees, found on stems & inflorescences of various herbaceous plants] BE2013, Illinoia goldamaryae [found on young growth, distributed in E USA & Canada] BE2013, Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria [found on flowerheads & stems; this aphid has been observed in NE USA & Canada, it was introduced from Eurasia] BE2013, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Potato Aphid) [polyphagous] Pp1965, Macrosiphum pseudorosae [syn. Macrosiphum pallidum] RB1965, Pleotrichophorus asterifoliae [found on undersides of lower leaves on plants growing in shady areas; observed in Wisconsin, Illinois, Tennessee, & Pennsylvania] BE2013 Pp1965, Prociphilus erigeronensis [found on the roots of herbaceous plants in several plant families, distributed in E USA & Canada] BE2013 Pp1965, Uroleucon ambrosiae [records of this aphid on asters may involve misidentifications] Crw2004 HF1931 BE2013, Uroleucon anomalae HF1931 Pp1965, Uroleucon bradburyi [found in North Carolina] BE2013, Uroleucon crepusisiphon [found in Michigan, New York, & North Carolina; some records of Uroleucon ambrosiae on asters probably refer to this aphid] BE2013, Uroleucon erigeronensis HF1931, Uroleucon gravicorne [found in NE USA & north-central USA] HF1931 BE2013, Uroleucon macgillivrayae [distributed in NE USA & Canada, including Illinois] BE2013, Uroleucon olivei [found on stems of asters primarily; distributed in E USA & Canada; some records of Uroleucon ambrosiae on asters probably refer to this aphid] BE2013, Uroleucon paucosensoriatum [found on stems & inflorescences; distributed in E USA & Canada, including Illinois] BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965, Uroleucon rudbeckiae (Golden Glow Aphid) Pp1965; Cicadellidae: Empoasca curvata DD2010, Macrosteles fascifrons (Aster Leafhopper) Crw2004; Diaspididae: Aonidomytilus solidaginis (Goldenrod Scale) [males are found on leaves; this insect occurs in SE USA as far north as Maryland & Tennessee; species in the Asteraceae are the most typical hosts] SN2014, Rhizaspidiotus dearnessi (Dearness Scale) [found on plant crowns & stems, sometimes below the soil surface; mostly species in the Asteraceae are hosts of this insect; it is widely distributed in the USA, also occurring in Ontario] SN2014; Membracidae: Ceresa bubalus (Buffalo Treehopper) [polyphagous] Fnk1917; Pseudococcidae: Corizococcus shaferi [probably polyphagous; found in Missouri & Mississippi] SN2014, Dysmicoccus diodium (Buttonweed Mealybug) [feeds on roots; this insect has been found along the SE coast of the USA as far north as Maryland] SN2014, Dysmicoccus lasii (Ant Nest Mealybug) [feeds on roots of host plant, attended by ants; found in eastern USA] SN2014, Hypogeococcus barbarae (Rau Mealybug) [feeds on roots, this insect has been found in NE USA] SN2014, Phenacoccus solani (Solanum Mealybug) [found on lower leaves & roots, polyphagous; this insect has been found in Maryland & Virginia, although it occurs primarily in southern & western USA] SN2014, Pseudococcus sorghiellus (Trochanter Mealybug) [polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in eastern USA] SN2014 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Arctiidae: Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005; Bucculatricidae: Bucculatrix angustata [leaf-miner] Ndm1928; Coleophoridae: Coleophora annulicola [leaf-miner] Ndm1928; Gelechiidae: Dichomeris agonia [this leaf-folding moth is found along dry open roadsides; Loeffler refers to information from Hodges (1986)] Lf1994, Dichomeris juncidella [this leaf-folding moth is found in fields; Loeffler refers to information from Hodges (1986)] Lf1994; Geometridae: Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria (Blackberry Looper) [larvae feed on flowers of asters] Cv2005, Eupithecia miserulata (Common Pug) [larvae feed on flowers, polyphagous] Cv2005 Wg2005, Eusarca confusaria (Confused Eusarca) Cv2005 Wg2005, Pleuroprucha insulsaria (Common Tan Wave) [larvae feed on flowers] Wg2005, Scopula inductata (Soft-Lined Wave) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Synchlora aerata (Wavy-Lined Emerald) [larvae feed on flowers] Cv2005 Wg2005, Tornos scolopacinarius (Dimorphic Gray) Cv2005; Gracillariidae: Acrocercops astericola [larvae are blotch leaf-miners] Mic2010; Limacodidae: Acharia stimulea (Saddleback Caterpillar) [syn. Sibine stimulea, polyphagous, found in southern IL] Cv2005; Noctuidae: Agnorisma badinodis (Pale-Banded Dart) [syn. Xestia badinodis] Cv2005, Allagrapha aerea (Unspotted Looper Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Condica videns (White-Dotted Groundling) [syn. Platysenta videns, larvae feed on flowers] Cv2005, Ctenoplusia oxygramma (Sharp-Stigma Looper Moth) [syn. Agrapha oxygramma] Cv2005, Cucullia asteroides (The Asteroid) [larvae feed on flowers] Cv2005 Wg2005, Cucullia convexipennis (Brown-Hooded Owlet) [larvae feed on flowers] Cv2005 Wg2005, Diachrysia aereoides (Dark-Spotted Looper Moth) [polyphagous, found north of IL] Cv2005, Euplexia benesimilis (American Angle Shades) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Eupsilia devia (Lost Sallow) Cv2005, Heliothis turbatus (Spotted Straw) [polyphagous, larvae feed on flowers] Cv2005, Melanchra assimilis (Black Arches) [larvae are often found on flowers, polyphagous] Wg2005, Palthis angulalis (Dark-Spotted Palthis) [larvae feed on leaves, flowers, & fruit] Wg2005, Papaipema cataphracta (Burdock Borer Moth) [polyphagous] Cv2005, Papaipema impecuniosa (Aster Borer Moth) Pnz2006, Pseudorthodes vecors (Small Brown Quaker) Cv2005, Schinia arcigera (Arcigera Flower Moth) [larvae feed on flowers & developing seeds] Cv2005 Wg2005, Schinia nundina (Goldenrod Flower Moth) [larvae feed on flowers & developing seeds] Cv2005, Trichordestra legitima (Striped Garden Caterpillar) [larvae feed on flowers, polyphagous] Wg2005; Nymphalidae: Chlosyne nycteis (Silvery Checkerspot) Bar1999 BS2001 Wg2005, Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent) [larvae feed on native asters] Bar1999 BS2001 Wg2005; Sesiidae: Carmenta corni (Aster Borer Moth) [larvae tunnel through stems] Crw2004; Scythrididae: Asymmetrura impositella [leaf-miner; syn. Landryia impositella, syn. Scythris impositela] Ndm1928; Tischeriidae: Astrotischeria astericola [larvae are leaf-miners] Mic2010; Tortricidae: Eucosma robinsonana [larvae feed on roots] Cv2005, Phaneta essexana (Essex Phaneta) [larvae bore through stems] Mlr1987, Phaneta parmatana [larvae feed on flowerheads] Mlr1987, Phaneta tomonana (Aster-head Phaneta) [larvae feed on flowerheads] Mlr1987, Sonia canadana (Canadian Sonia) [larvae feed in rootstalks] Mlr1987 Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Acrididae: Hesperotettix viridis (Meadow Purple-striped Grasshopper) VK1985, Melanoplus scudderi (Scudder's Short-winged Grasshopper) VK1985 Phasmatodea (Walkingsticks) Diapheromeridae: Manomera blatchleyi (Blatchley's Walkingstick) Arm2006 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Thrips trehernei [polyphagous] Nk1994 |
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