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____________ Relationships of Vertebrate Animals to this Plant: ____________ |
Ambrosia spp. (Ragweed) [Asteraceae] (observations are from Schwartz, Martin et al., Ernst et al., Cole & Batzli, Yeatter, DeVore et al., and Beal) Birds Bombycillidae: Bombycilla cedrorum (Cedar Waxwing) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Calcaridae: Plectrophenax nivalis (Snow Bunting) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA during winter & spring] MZN1951; Cardinalidae: Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA & SE USA] MZN1951, Passerina cyanea (Indigo Bunting) [eats seeds] MZN1951; Columbidae: Zenaida macroura (Mourning Dove) [seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in the Northeast throughout the year, seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in Prairies] MZN1951; Emberizidae: Ammodramus henslowii (Henslow's Sparrow) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA during fall] MZN1951, Chondestes grammacus (Lark Sparrow) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in the Prairie region during winter & spring] MZN1951, Junco hyemalis (Dark-eyed Junco) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA & the Prairie region during fall & winter & spring, feeds on the seeds] MZN1951 Dv2004, Melospiza georgiana (Swamp Sparrow) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951, Melospiza lincolnii (Lincoln Sparrow) [seeds comprise 2-10% of the diet in NE USA & Eastern Prairies during spring & fall] MZN1951, Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA during fall & winter & spring] MZN1951, Passerculus sandwichensis (Savannah Sparrow) [seeds comprise 2-10% of the diet in NE USA & Southern Prairies during fall & winter & spring] MZN1951, Passerella iliaca (Fox Sparrow) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in E USA during fall & winter & spring, feeds on the seeds] MZN1951 Dv2004, Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Eastern Towhee) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA throughout the year] MZN1951, Pooecetes gramineus (Vesper Sparrow) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in E USA during fall & winter & spring, feeds on the seeds] MZN1951 Dv2004, Spizella passerina (Chipping Sparrow) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in E USA] MZN1951, Spizella pusilla (Field Sparrow) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951, Spizelloides arborea (American Tree Sparrow) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA & Eastern Prairies during winter & spring] MZN1951, Zonotrichia albicollis (White-throated Sparrow) [seeds comprise 25-50% of the diet in NE USA during fall & winter & spring] MZN1951, Zonotrichia leucophrys (White-crowned Sparrow) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA during spring & fall, seeds comprise 52% of the diet in Eastern Prairies during fall & winter] MZN1951, Zonotrichia querula (Harris Sparrow) [seeds comprise 25-50% of the diet in Eastern Prairies during fall & winter & spring, feeds on the seeds] MZN1951 Dv2004; Fringillidae: Acanthis flammea (Common Redpoll) [seeds comprise 25-50% of the diet in N USA during winter & spring] MZN1951, Haemorhous purpureus (Purple Finch) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in E USA during fall] MZN1951, Loxia curvirostra (Red Crossbill) [seeds comprise 0.5-2 of the diet in the USA] MZN1951, Loxia leucoptera (White-winged Crossbill) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA during winter] MZN1951, Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA during winter] MZN1951, Spinus tristis (American Goldfinch) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in E USA throughout the year] MZN1951; Icteridae: Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-winged Blackbird) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA throughout the year, seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in the Prairie region during fall & winter & spring] MZN1951, Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Bobolink) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA, feeds on the seeds] MZN1951 Dv2004, Euphagus carolinus (Rusty Blackbird) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA & Canada & Prairie region during winter] MZN1951, Molothrus ater (Brown-headed Cowbird) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in NE USA during fall & winter & spring, seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in SE USA during fall & winter] MZN1951, Quiscalus quiscula (Common Grackle) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA during fall & winter & spring] MZN1951; Motacillidae: Anthus rubescens (American Pipit) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Paridae: Baeolophus bicolor (Tufted Titmouse) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951, Poecile atricapillus (Black-capped Chickadee) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of diet in NE USA] MZN1951, Poecile carolinensis (Carolina Chickadee) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in SE USA] MZN1951; Passeridae: Passer domesticus (House Sparrow) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in eastern USA throughout the year, seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in the Prairie region] MZN1951; Phasianidae: Colinus virginianus (Bobwhite Quail) [seeds comprise 25-50% of the diet in the Northeast & NE Prairies during summer, fall, & winter] MZN1951, Perdix perdix (Hungarian Partridge) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in the Northeast during fall & winter] MZN1951, Phasianus colchicus (Ring-necked Pheasant) [seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in the Northeast during fall & winter] MZN1951, Tympanuchus cupido (Greater Prairie Chicken) [seeds eaten during fall & winter for 4 months, seeds comprise 11% of the diet in Wisconsin] Swz1945 Yt1943; Scolopacidae: Scolopax minor (American Woodcock) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in the East] MZN1951; Turdidae: Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird) [seeds are eaten occasionally] Be1915, Turdus migratorius (American Robin) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA, seeds are eaten occasionally] MZN1951 Be1915 Mammals Cricetidae: Microtus pennsylvanicus (Meadow Vole) [feeds on these plants] MZN1951, Microtous ochrogaster (Prairie Vole) [feeds on seeds and/or foliage] CB1979 MZN1951; Sciuridae: Ictidomys tridecemlineatus (Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel) [seeds comprise 10-25% of the diet in the Prairie region during fall] MZN1951 Turtles Emydidae: Terrapene carolina (Eastern Box Turtle) [feeds on these plants] EBL1994 |
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