Flowering Plants Visited
by Prenolepis imparis

Prenolepis imparis Say: Formicidae (Formicinae), Hymenoptera
(observations are from Stephenson, Krannitz & Maun, and Wilhelm & Rericha; this is the False Honey Ant)

Apiaceae: Angelica atropurpurea sn (WR), Cicuta maculata sn np (WR), Cryptotaenia canadensis sn (WR), Daucus carota sn np (WR), Heracleum maximum sn np (WR),
Sanicula odorata sn np (WR), Zizia aurea sn np (WR); Asclepiadaceae: Asclepias syriaca sn np (WR); Asteraceae: Ambrosia trifida [exfl sn np] (WR), Aster drummondii sn np (WR), Krigia biflora sn np (WR), Oligoneuron album sn np (WR), Solidago speciosa sn np (WR), Solidago ulmifolia sn np (WR); Bignoniaceae: Catalpa speciosa sn np (St); Brassicaceae: Alliaria petiolata sn np (WR), Dentaria laciniata sn np (WR); Caprifoliaceae: Viburnum opulus sn sn@exfl (KM, WR); Cornaceae: Cornus alternifolia sn np (WR), Cornus drummondii sn np (WR); Dennstaedtiaceae: Pteridium aquilinum latiusculum sn@exfl (WR); Fabaceae: Amorpha canescens sn (WR), Lespedeza frustescens sn np (WR), Strophostyles helvola sn@exfl (WR); Gentianaceae: Frasera caroliniensis sn gnw np (WR); Geraniaceae: Geranium maculatum sn np (WR); Hydrophyllaceae: Hydrophyllum virginianum sn np (WR); Lamiaceae: Physostegia virginiana sn fq np (WR); Liliaceae: Camassia scilloides sn np (WR); Malvaceae: Alcea rosea sn np (WR); Phytolaccaceae: Phytolacca americana (WR); Rosaceae: Crataegus holmesiana sn np (WR), Prunus serotina sn@exfl (WR), Prunus virginiana sn@exfl sn np (WR), Rubus allegheniensis sn np (WR), Rubus michiganensis sn np (WR); Salicaceae: Salix discolor [unsp sn np] (WR), Salix interior [unsp sn np] (WR), Salix myricoides [unsp sn np] (WR); Scrophulariaceae: Penstemon calycosus sn/exp np (WR), Scrophularia lanceolata sn np (WR), Verbascum thapsus sn np (WR)
