Flowering Plants Visited
by Poanes
Poanes zabulon Boisduval & LeConte: Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera
(observations are from Robertson, Graenicher, the Hilton Pond Center, Macior, Fothergill & Vaughn; this is the Zabulon Skipper)
Asteraceae: Cirsium vulgare sn (Rb), Coreopsis palmata sn (Rb), Senecio aureus sn (Gr), Silphium perfoliatum sn (Rb), Solidago juncea sn (Gr), Taraxacum officinale sn (FV); Caprifoliaceae: Lonicera reticulata sn (Gr); Convolvulaceae: Ipomoea pandurata sn (Rb); Cornaceae: Cornus obliqua sn (Rb); Hydrophyllaceae: Hydrophyllum appendiculatum sn (Rb); Lamiaceae: Glechoma hederacea sn np (Rb), Monarda bradburiana sn (Rb), Monarda fistulosa sn (Rb), Scutellaria incana sn np (Rb); Liliaceae: Smilacina stellata sn (Gr); Polemoniaceae: Phlox divaricata laphamii sn fq (Rb); Pontederiaceae: Pontederia cordata sn (HPC); Ranunculaceae: Delphinium tricorne sn np (Rb, Mc); Rosaceae: Rubus allegheniensis sn (Rb), Rubus flagellaris sn (Rb); Rubiaceae: Cephalanthus occidentalis sn (Rb); Scrophulariaceae: Dasistoma macrophylla sn fq np (Rb), Penstemon hirsutus sn np (Rb)