Flowering Plants Visited
by Colias eurytheme

Colias eurytheme Boisduval: Pieridae, Lepidoptera
(Observations are from Hilty, Clinebell, Fothergill & Vaughn, Voss, and Wilhelm & Rericha. This butterfly is the Orange Sulphur; some observations by Robertson and Graenicher under Colias philodice actually apply to the Orange Sulphur because they did not distinguish between these two species.)

Asteraceae: Aster spp. sn (V), Aster macrophyllus sn (V), Aster novae-angliae sn (H), Aster subulatus sn (FV), Cirsium discolor sn (H), Coreopsis palmata sn (WR), Echinacea pallida sn (Cl), Eupatoriadelphus maculatus sn (V), Eupatorium altissimum sn (H), Hieracium aurantiacum sn (V), Liatris aspera sn (H, WR), Liatris scariosa nieuwlandii sn (WR), Oligoneuron rigidum sn (H), Rudbeckia hirta sn (WR), Silphium integrifolium sn (H), Taraxacum officinale sn (FV); Caprifoliaceae: Diervilla lonicera sn (V); Lamiaceae: Blephilia ciliata sn (WR), Lamium amplexicaule sn (FV), Monarda fistulosa sn (Cl)
