Flowering Plants Visited
by Colias cesonia

Colias cesonia Stoll: Pieridae, Lepidoptera
(observations are from Robertson and Wilhelm & Rericha; this butterfly is the Southern Dogface; a scientific synonym of this butterfly is Zerene cesonia)

Asteraceae: Aster anomalus sn (Rb), Aster novae-angliae sn (Rb), Aster pilosus sn (Rb), Helianthus grosseserratus sn (Rb), Liatris aspera sn (Rb); Fabaceae: Amorpha canescens sn (WR), Dalea purpurea sn (Rb); Lamiaceae: Pycnanthemum tenuifolium sn (Rb); Rubiaceae: Cephalanthus occidentalis sn (Rb)
