Flowering Plants Visited
by Eristalis anthophorina

Eristalis anthophorina Fallen: Syrphidae, Diptera
(observations are from Robertson, Graenicher, Wilhelm & Rericha, Cruden et al.; an alternative spelling of the scientific name is Eristalis anthophorinus)

Apiaceae: Heracleum maximum sn (Rb); Asteraceae: Antennaria neglecta [unsp sn/fp] (Gr), Anthemis cotula sn/fp (Gr), Arctium lappa sn/fp (Gr), Aster drummondii sn/fp (Gr), Aster laevis sn/fp (Gr), Aster lanceolatus sn/fp (Gr), Aster pilosus sn (Rb), Aster prenanthoides sn/fp (Gr), Cirsium arvense sn/fp (Gr), Euthamia graminifolia sn/fp (Gr), Helianthus strumosus sn/fp (Gr), Solidago canadensis sn/fp (Rb, Gr), Solidago juncea sn/fp (Gr); Brassicaceae: Alliaria petiolata (CMS), Hesperis matronalis (WR); Caprifoliaceae: Symphoricarpos albus sn (Gr), Symphoricarpos occidentalis sn/fp (Gr); Caryophyllaceae: Cerastium nutans sn (Rb); Polygonaceae: Persicaria hydropiperoides sn (Rb); Rosaceae: Prunus americana (Gr); Salicaceae:
Salix myricoides [unsp sn/fp] (WR); Verbenaceae: Verbena hastata (WR)
